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Saturday, January 9, 2021 5:10:14 PM

Good Afternoon.  

This email provides some important information regarding the Superdome’s Winter Youth Soccer leagues, WINTER SESSION 2, which starts on February 9th 2019.  The league is 5 games over 6 weeks. While its still about a few weeks away, we wanted to get this information out as soon as possible.  We also are asking that only coaches or official team admins of the squads respond back if there are any further questions or concerns.

Waivers – To save time come game day, please ask all your players to go online and complete our online waiver.  Players must sign the online or hard copy waiver to play at the Superdome.  They can complete this online by going here: https://tms.ezfacility.com/OnlineRegistrations/Register.aspx?CompanyID=3649&GroupID=205460

Ref Fees - Your team pays $15.00 before each game directly to the licensed referees. They will collect the fee just before kickoff of your games. We have no part in that as using third party licensed ref coordinators and refs help eliminate conflicts of interest.  They handle everything related to the games, scoring, fouls, other infractions or any in-game disputes.  But they will not let games start without receiving their ref fees.

Rules can be found on the 
Http://leagues.superdomesports.com site. https://superdome.ezleagues.ezfacility.com/Rules.aspx?facility_id=401&sport_id=6 The games are 55 minutes long.  Unless agreed to by the teams with the ref, there is no half-time.  All restarts are on the ground by foot (no throw ins).  You can substitute on the fly, and all fouls are indirect other than handling in the box (penalty).

Turfs - we strongly advise the kids wear turfs in the Superdome.   We will not turn away players who show up in cleats, but we can not state it strongly enough...please try to have them wear turfs.  The Superdome has high quality, but low pile turf.  Cleats tend to provide a bit too much grip and our concern is always the safety of the athlete and competitors.  If a player accidentally cleats someone with turfs, its a lot less harmful than with cleats.   Shin guards must be worn.  We suggest coming with as little extra gear as possible, extra balls at home to avoid them getting lost or misplaced.

Schedules and Game Conflicts – Staff has spent the better part of 3 days putting together the schedule for the season. We have done all possible to accommodate all submitted requests for conflicts, dates, approximate times.  Unfortunately, not every conflict or request can be reasonably accommodated.  You can see the schedule by going to https://superdome.ezleagues.ezfacility.com/leagues.aspx and on the bottom of the page, you'll see "UPCOMING LEAGUES".  The schedule at the top of the page is the currently ongoing Winter 1 league.   The Winter 2 league is below in the Upcoming area.   Your team can be found by looking through the various age groups, and then you can select your team to get your teams schedule.  We suggest you send your parents the link to your team's specific schedule by right clicking "open in new window" your team link.  And then copy/pasting that URL/Hyperlink to send to parents.  This way everyone has the updated/correct schedule in case any changes are made hereafter.   Right now the schedule is considered "TENTATIVE" though near-final.   There may be changes made in the next few days or so.  We will advise once the schedule is "FINAL".  Once final, we would contact you specifically by email or phone for any subsequent changes. 

Absences – If your team ever is going to miss a game, its critical you let us know.  First, we may be able to modify the schedule to ensure you get the game.  Secondly, we want to ensure another team fills in so your opponent is not left standing around without a game to play.  And lastly, if a schedule change can not be made, we’ll find a time perhaps mid week or later in the season when we can make up that game or field training slot to your team.   We want all the teams to enjoy their season, but also understand that unforeseen things occur.  Please just communicate this to us early and we’ll get everything squared away.  Last minute notices don’t work well for anyone and if teams are left without opponent, the party failing to give notice will not get the make up or extra fields.  

Any questions or issues, please ask.  We'll be back to you in about a week once the schedule is finalized.

We look forward to another great season of winter soccer leagues here @ the Superdome.

Superdome Sports

Picture of the Day
Photo 11/26/2007 3:45:03 PM
Photo 11/26/2007 3:45:03 PM